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3D content has been around for a few years now, but it's taken some time to find its footing in the marketing world. I've talked about 3D content several times on the website, so it might be useful to discuss how brands are using 3D and what they can expect in the future.

What is 3D content?

3D content is a visual representation of an object that exists in 3 dimensions. It’s used in many different ways, including marketing and sales.

3D content can be created using 3D modeling software such as Maya or Blender. 3D models can then be replicated and printed out by 3D printers. It can also be used to create web experiences which can be part of your website or blog where visitors can engaged at

Why does 3D content matter?

3D content is a great way to tell a story. It can be used as an effective way of engaging customers and creating a sense of place. For example, you might use 3D in your marketing material or explainer videos (animated videos that explain how your product works). You might also choose to create interactive 3D models that allow people to explore your products or facilities in real time.

3D models are becoming increasingly important in retail and manufacturing fields because they allow you to show off the products you sell: customers can see what something looks like before they buy it! It also allows access from anywhere globally.

How to create 3D content?

3D content can be created using online and offline 3D softwares. You can use these softwares to create 3D models and animations, or even renders. You can also use them to create walkthroughs that allow users to see a virtual representation of a building before it’s actually built.

If you have an idea for a project in mind, there are plenty of free (and paid) options available!

What will 3D content look like in the future?

3D content has the potential to be more accessible, interactive and immersive than ever before. We're also seeing an increase in realistic 3D environments that are becoming increasingly affordable. In fact, there are now a number of different technologies available for creating high-quality VR and AR experiences without requiring expensive software or hardware. Many platforms are also creating easy ways to create 3D models and creations.

Successful brands are using 3D content in creative and effective ways.

3D content is a powerful tool for brands to create a more immersive and interactive experience. By using 3D content, you can stand out from the crowd and create memorable experiences for your users. Here are some examples of how successful brands are using 3D content in creative and effective ways:

  • Coca-Cola’s “It All Started With A Kite” campaign features a 360° video that takes viewers around the world with their favorite athletes as they share their stories of how they first got into kitesurfing. The video shows off Coca-Cola's global reach while also creating an engaging experience for viewers by letting them explore different locations around the world in virtual reality (VR) through this video on YouTube or Google Cardboard. The VR experience also enables users to interact with other people watching it at the same time (by commenting on photos), which adds another layer of engagement beyond just watching something happen onscreen alone.

  • Intel used 3D models from its archive of historical documents when designing its “Heritage Collection” case mod contest for fans who had made their own unique versions of classic computer cases from Intel's early years—but didn't have permission to use actual pictures or drawings from those designs because many were patented technologies not easily available outside Silicon Valley archives like those owned by Intel today! Using 3D printing technology enabled them both cost effectively manufacture high quality products based off these old designs without risking copyright infringement lawsuits from third parties trying to make money selling similar products themselves later down line...all while still allowing consumers access see inside components so they could understand what was going on inside computers before mass production became cheap enough everyone could afford one."


We’re living in exciting times for 3D content. The number of companies using it is growing, and consumers are starting to expect more from their digital experiences. As a result, brands that don't use 3D content risk being left behind. If you're interested in creating your own 3D content or learning how other brands are using this technology, we encourage you to check out our new "How To Use 3D Content" guide!

Contact us at if you want to explore more about 3D experience or just anything exciting about this.

4 Ansichten


As we have discussed in our previous posts, Gamification takes the concept of gaming and applies it to real-world activities, turning ordinary experiences into engaging ones by adding elements similar to those used in video games. Gamification for customers is used for increasing engagement, retention, and followers of your brand. Typical game design for customers include following activities and game elements:

Rewards points for purchasing

  • Reward points for purchasing

  • Reward points for sharing

Reward points for returning

You can also reward your customers with treasure hunt or trail challenges. These are great ways to make sure that they’re having fun, while also keeping them engaged in your brand. Two ways you can do this is by giving them coupons or discounts at the end of their journey, or by giving them access to special promotions and deals on future purchases.

Treasure hunt or trail challenges are also a great way to advertise your products and services without feeling too pushy about it. You can set up virtual tours of your company with quizzes and trivia tests during the tour, which will keep visitors interested in what you have to say—and might even get them interested enough that they want more!

Rewards points for sharing

Rewards for sharing content to a specific group of people:

  • “Share this article with your friends.”

  • “Share this article with your [specific] coworkers.”

  • “Share this article with your [specific] family members.”

Rewards for sharing content to a specific person: `Reward:` $15 Amazon gift card. Rewards for sharing content to a specific social network: `Reward:` An invite to our next company event at the local pub, complete with appetizers and beer! Rewards for sharing content on a specific website/blog/etc.: `Reward:` A coupon code worth 10% off their next purchase (if they're an existing customer).

Rewards points for returning

One of the best ways to reward customers is by giving them points for returning. You may reward people who buy certain items or brands, or who buy a certain quantity of items. Game design may be customised for different industries and contexts.

Reward your best customers by giving them with digital rewards, exclusive access, special offers and discounts that only they get. If a customer places an order with you once in three months, send them some exclusive content such as an article about how to use your product more effectively or tips on how to make their lives easier using it.

Treasure hunt or trail challenge

To create a treasure hunt or trail challenge, you create a game experience or a map that guides your customers to the next step in a series of clues. This game of hide and seek is fun and engaging and can be used to promote a new product or service. For example, if you were launching an app, you could have people solve puzzles before they can download it. The first person who solves all of them wins!

You don't have to limit yourself solely to games: gamification can also be u

sed for training purposes. For example, if you want employees to learn about their company's history through an online course, gamification could help them retain information more effectively because they're learning while having fun at the same time!

Scavenger hunts

Customers can be incentivized to find the hidden prize through a variety of methods. The most common method is to offer a coupon or discount code, but you can also award the customer with a mystery prize, booster points, digital rewards, or free product or service.

The goal of this type of challenge is for your customers to figure out what they’re looking for and where it might be located. You set up clues by posting them on social media channels and in blog posts that hint at what types of things are hidden throughout your site (e.g., “We hid something special under our about page header!”).

Virtual tours of your company with quizzes and trivia tests during the tour

You can use gamification to create a virtual tour of your company featuring trivia questions and quizzes that help customers learn about your company's culture and values. You can also use this as an opportunity to teach them more about what you do, so they have a better understanding of the service or product you're providing.

When creating this type of game for customers, think about how it will encourage them to share their experience with others—this will be especially helpful if you plan on offering incentives for completing certain levels or tasks in the game. Additionally, make sure it's fun and interactive so that people want to play again!

Gamification can encourage repeat purchases from customers.

Gamification can encourage repeat purchases from customers. The importance of repeat purchases is a well-known fact, and it’s one that businesses should always keep in mind when developing loyalty programs or any other gamified experience.

The first step to creating a successful gamified experience for your customers is knowing how important customer loyalty is to your business. Repeat purchases are vital to the success of any business, whether you're selling physical products or digital ones (like software licenses). If a customer buys something from you once and never returns for more, there's not much chance for future sales. You need them coming back again and again—and preferably repeatedly referring others as well!


Once you have the basic idea of how to set up your gamification program, it’s time to get started! Remember that this process is not something that happens overnight. It will take some time for people to learn about what’s going on and start taking part in the fun. But once that happens, you’ll be able to see a noticeable difference in customer engagement which can lead to increased sales and profit margins over time.

Contact us to help you with your gamification at or submit a contact us form. Gretxp can also help you create amazing 3D webgl treasure hunts, virtual brand showrooms for building a unforgettable experience for your customers and driving engagement.

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